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Guide The Jhin Bible - How to play Jhin Season 6

Guide The Jhin Bible - Season 6
I've played over 100 Jhin games so far and this is what I've found to work best:

A summoner spell that nearly everyone takes on every champion. Jhin needs this because he lacks mobility.

Most AD Carries take heal to assist teammates, escape ganks, and bait all-ins. Jhin needs this for survivability. You can also save a teammate during a 5v5 team fight.

Exhaust is better on Mid Jhin rather than ADC. It's a great spell that allows you to duel much more easily, or chase down a fleeing enemy.

Ignite is a spell that's better on all-in bursty champions like Zed or Lissandra. Jhin is more about wearing someone down and then picking them off. I don't recommend it, personally.

Barrier is a decent spell to take versus teams that have a Karthus or a lot of diving champions, but in general, the permanent health and movement speed you get from Heal makes Barrier not as ideal.

Another shocking revelation!

18/12/0 is the optimal path for Jhin as of this patch. 

In Ferocity, you especially want the 20 health and 2% Life Steal / Spell Vamp he gets from this tree. These will helps you stay healthy in lane. Jhin loves the sustain and extra Life Steal that Warlord's Bloodlust gives him as well. You'll be shocked at how healthy you can stay while trading in lane. Battering blows makes taking Armor Penetration quints unneeded as well. 

In Cunning, you want to definitely take Merciless for the extra execution power that Jhin gets, which synergies with his passive's extra 15/20/25%  missing health damage. Dangerous Game is a great all-around mastery and almost every champion in the game uses it to save their lives during close calls and all-ins. Precision was heavily nerfed and is now a really weak mastery, which was the one reason you took Thunderlord's Decree in the first place.

Thunderlord's Decree isn't as good as it used to be in patches 5.24 and 6.1, and Jhin lives or dies by his ability to stay in lane, not duel. The Life Steal you get from items, masteries and runes will equalize the damage that your enemy laner does with Thunderlord's Decree, but you'll benefit more over the course of the game from this mastery than you would proccing Thunderlord's Decree on a tank or bruiser in the mid to late-game. Essentially, it's an even split in the early game, but absolutely worth it late game.
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