Hi Im Gosu - Best Vayne NA
Hi Im Gosu" is a high elo North American streamer who mains Marksman, known primarily for the montages he places on YouTube of his Marksman plays in action. His montages are often placed on the League subreddit, reaching top charts on the page. He is from Montreal, Quebec, Canada but lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada right now.
Hi am gosu
- Stated on Cloth 5 that his favorite champions are Vayne, Akali, and Katarina due to their quick assassin based kit, invisible abilities.
- August 15th, 2013 - Hi Im Gosu Interview with Cloth 5
- Grew in popularity due to self-made montages showcasing his "Vayne Mechanics" placed on the League of Legends subreddit.
- Rumor of Doublelift actually being hi im gosu circulated around the community for a brief period of time. However, evidence has dispelled this rumor.[1
- Previously had a mutual rivalry with Fabbbyyy
- Very well known in the community for his Vayne mechanics that is comparable of those of well known professionals
- Broke his stream silence on 12/05/15 after roughly 2.5 years of streaming, pulling over 90000 viewers.
Hi am gosu vayne montage
Source : lol.gamepedia