Rabia "Nightblue3" Yazbek is a North-American Challenger jungler main and former substitute for Team SoloMid. He is currently a full-time streamer on Twitch.tv and usually streams around 7 hours a day.
Known for his exceedingly informative streams.
Peaked 2500 elo in Season 2.
Was Challenger in Ranked 5v5 in Season 3.
Achieved Rank 3 in NA Solo Queue in Season 3.
Known for his Rammusin Season 3.
Revolutionized and popularized Kha'ZixJungle in Season 4.
Was Challenger in NA Solo Queue in Season 4 (Peaked 900 LP).
Was Challenger in EUW Solo Queue in Season 4.
His favorite champion is currently Master Yi.
Has a known dislike for the champion Riven.
Uploads in-depth guides, patch note reviews, highlights, spectates and gameplay montages to his Youtube channel.
Known for playing non-meta junglers such as Sated Vayneand AP Nightblue3 Rengar Montage.
Has a habit of jokingly saying certain catchphrases such "Flamingos", "Lag", "Holy Molly" and "Kappa".
Is currently the 10th most followed channel and the 9th most viewed channel on Twitch.tv.
Reached 1 million followers on Twitch.tv on the 13th of September, 2015.
He raised an approximate total of $29,335.51 for the Save the Children organization on his celebratory 24 Hour charity stream for reaching 1 million followers.
Nightblue3 - The best Rengar plays by Nightblue3
Reviewed by i Feeder
3:29 AM
Rating: 5